Advance Tickets are now available for ALL 2021 Skegness Raceway events

including our Summer Specials, the UK Speed Week, BriSCA F2 World Weekend and the Unlimited Bangers on the 20th June.
Please note it is strongly advised you buy Advance tickets. If we sell out before an event there will be no on the day sales.
2020 tickets remain valid for the related 2021 events, all 2020 tickets have been posted out you can’t use your 2020 online ticket.
Currently there are no single day tickets available for the July, August, September & October weekends. This may change as we progress out of Lockdown , updates to follow.
There is still a number of race day procedures that are required before opening including access to the pits etc. Bars will be open but may just be take away. More details to follow.
Masks as per government guidelines, so outside no inside buildings yes.
From the 21st June the Government Restrictions should be lifted which means we can have a normal Speed Weekend! As if the UK Speed Weekend can ever be called normal!!
Camping will be available for all Speed Weekends on the Saturday night only.
Driver info on their own page on the website.